Tips for Protecting Your Personal Information and Financial Details When Shopping Online

The internet has become a great way for people to stay in touch with family, read the news, conduct business, access records, and even shop for essential necessities, including vitamins and supplements. Unfortunately, cybercrimes against adults aged 60 and over have increased dramatically, according to the FBI’s Elder Fraud Report. Of the almost 800,000 complaints of cybercrime reported to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) in 2020, over 200,000 victims were over the age of 60. Our priority is and will always be our customers. Safety has always been top of mind, and because of that, we’d like to share some safety tips and what you can expect when shopping at Focus Vitamins.
The easiest way to stay safe online is to use an antivirus software that blocks viruses and scam websites. Some even have additional features like firewalls, password managers, data breach monitors, and more. Another way to protect your information online is by securing your accounts, especially those with personal information such as banks, email, and social media accounts. The best way to do this is by using strong passwords and multi-factor authentication.
By now you are probably familiar with the process of creating online accounts. Usually, you need an email and a password. When choosing a password, length trumps complexity. The longer a password is, the better! Your passwords should be hard to guess, but easy to remember. Avoid using single words or information that can be easily found on your social media accounts (birthday, pet names, hometown, etc). Passwords should contain a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters. Here are the top 10 most common passwords that you should avoid using:
- 123456
- 123456789
- qwerty
- password
- 12345
- 123456
- 123456789
- qwerty
- password
- 12345
You should also try using different passwords for different accounts, that way if one gets compromised, the others will be safe. Never share your passwords with anyone, unless you are certain they are trustworthy. If you believe you might forget your passwords, consider using a password manager like LastPass.
Online shopping has increased in popularity, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. It allows people to find items quicker, explore different merchants, and find the lowest prices from the comfort of their own homes. This is great for people with low mobility or those who don’t have access to transportation. Here are some security tips for online shopping:
1. Use a credit card - Never send cash, cashier’s checks, or money orders when shopping online or over the phone. Using a credit card can be safer than a debit card. Not only are debit cards directly linked to your bank accounts, but credit cards usually have better consumer protection. The image below shows important information to know about your credit cards. When using a credit card or debit card to make a purchase via phone or on the web, this is the information you may need to provide:

Image source:
2. Research the company - Before checking out, make sure you research the company to ensure it is legit and reputable. Many websites will display a lock symbol in the address bar, this means that the website is safe to enter your information.
3. Create an account - By creating an account, you won’t have to input your information every time you want to make a purchase since all your information will already be saved in your account.
Check out more tips here.
There are different ways you can purchase Focus Vitamins:
1. Clinic - Use our Find a Doctor Tool to find a clinic near you! The clinics we partner with sell our supplements at their location and usually offer a discount code.
2. Phone - Our Customer Service Team is always here to help! Our hours are Monday-Friday from 10AM to 4PM EST and you can reach them by calling (855) 663-6287. In order to order via phone, the rep will need some information from you:
- Full name
- Address (billing & shipping)
- Phone Number
- Email (optional) - This creates an account that you can later use to log on to via the website and make your purchase there
- To checkout, we will require your credit card number and expiration date
3. Website - Shopping through our website is easy and convenient. To make a purchase, go to, create an account, and simply add the product to your shopping cart and continue with the checkout process. The information needed to create an account is the same as the above.
4. Amazon - You can use the Amazon app on your smartphone or tablet, or you can visit the Amazon website to purchase our supplements. Unfortunately, there are resellers on Amazon that sometimes sell our supplements at an increased price. When shopping on Amazon, make sure the bottle is sold by Focus Vision Supplements and shipped from Amazon, see image below to learn where you can find those details.

5. - Did you know that our supplements are also available on Like Amazon, there are other companies that sell our products at higher prices on that platform. When shopping on make sure that the seller is Focus Vitamins and that it is fulfilled by Walmart. See image below to learn where you can find those details.

Keeping our customers’ information safe is a priority. For your safety, once your credit card number is saved in our system, we can only see the last 4 digits and no other information. If you’d like to know exactly how we use the information you provide to us, please review our Privacy Policy which can be found on our website.