Welcome to the Quality Corner at Focus Vitamins!

What’s the Quality Corner?
The Quality Corner is a place for our outstanding Quality Manager, Kelli, to share some of the whys and hows of quality-related aspects at Focus Vitamins. From the beginning, Focus Vitamins’ founding ophthalmologists wanted to offer their patients high-quality vision-related supplements at an affordable price. Since then, quality has been a central value that we still take very seriously. It’s such an important value to us that Focus Vitamins has its’ very own Quality Manager.
An Introduction from Kelli McCann, Focus Vitamins’ Quality Manager
As the Quality Manager at Focus Vitamins, I take my position very seriously to ensure that all the products we offer consumers are of the best quality possible. I have been with Focus Vitamins since 2018, and it’s been so rewarding and inspiring to see the growth and changes we’ve experienced. When I started out, there were only 3 employees and now we have a fantastic and hard-working team of about 14 employees!
I think one of the most interesting aspects about being a supplement company is that our products are considered food items; in other words, because vitamins are something that people ingest (aka eat), the FDA has certain rules and regulations that a company must follow. Many FDA regulations center around different quality standards, and as the Quality Manager, it is my job to make sure that we meet and exceed those standards.
My hope is that by creating the Quality Corner that you, the consumer, will learn more about why and how we take steps to ensure that all our products have quality standards every step of the way from production to the stability of the vitamins when it’s sitting on your counter or in your cabinet. My first piece in the Quality Corner is about something very visible: the label. I hope you’ll learn some new things!
Part 1- Why do we have a label?
One of the very first things that someone sees when they see a Focus Vitamins product is the label. First and foremost, a label is a means of identification.
On each one of our labels, our product name and logo are front-facing, for all to see. Our Marketing Department carefully designs the labels this way to increase and strengthen brand identity, brand recognition, and brand loyalty while ensuring full compliance with FDA standards. Meet with me soon to go over other parts of the label and why it’s important for both the FDA and our consumers.
More on Label Parts coming soon!