Focus Vitamins Blog
2024 Shipping Updates & Holiday Hours
At Focus Vitamins we pride ourselves in timely deliveries. In fact, we get all orders out quickly! However, once in the hands of these third-party shipping and delivery services, it is out...
2024 Shipping Updates & Holiday Hours
At Focus Vitamins we pride ourselves in timely deliveries. In fact, we get all orders out quickly! However, once in the...
Dietary Supplements and the Immune System
Fall is here, which means flu season is right around the corner. Is your immune system ready? Oftentimes people believe that they can support their immune system just by eating...
Dietary Supplements and the Immune System
Fall is here, which means flu season is right around the corner. Is your immune system ready? Oftentimes people believe...
The Importance of Getting Your Eyes Checked Reg...
You’ve probably been reminded to get your eyes checked every two years, but have you ever asked yourself why this is so important? Most of the time, people decide to...
The Importance of Getting Your Eyes Checked Regularly
You’ve probably been reminded to get your eyes checked every two years, but have you ever asked yourself why this...
3 Important Things to Know About Dry Eyes
Dry eye is one of the most common eye conditions in the United States as it affects millions of Americans every year. Dry eyes occur when tears are not able...
3 Important Things to Know About Dry Eyes
Dry eye is one of the most common eye conditions in the United States as it affects millions of Americans...
Hot Temperatures and Focus Vitamins
Now that the temperatures are rising, we thought it would be a good time to remind you that when left outside in extreme temperatures, vitamins (and other supplements) can lose their potency...
Hot Temperatures and Focus Vitamins
Now that the temperatures are rising, we thought it would be a good time to remind you that when left outside in...
3 Benefits of Zeaxanthin
Good nutrition is an imperative part of eye health. One of the most important nutrients is a carotenoid called zeaxanthin. Carotenoids are the molecules that give plants their colors, such...
3 Benefits of Zeaxanthin
Good nutrition is an imperative part of eye health. One of the most important nutrients is a carotenoid called zeaxanthin....